
For All Of You With Day Jobs And Night Dreams

Hello Family!

This week's blog is kind of a departure from the norm for me. Usually I talk about the brass tacks of the music business and the "so idiotic and Bizarro World crazy it must be true" shit that happens to me in regards to the music business on a regular basis. (Don't worry. If the current shit I'm dealing with resolves itself in the next week I'm gonna have TONS of Bizarro World shit to lay on you in the next blog.) But today's blog is gonna be a little different. I'm gonna take a minute to salute the musicians out there that have "day jobs".


Family, I have a day job. Sad, but true. As my CD continues to gain steam (thanks for all the positive comments, by the way! Tell everybody you know!!!) it's a situation I hope to one day soon rectify. But for now, my day job is a means to an end to pay for the night dreams I have. I get up every day, get dressed, fight rush hour traffic, get to work, go to my cubicle, put in a good day's work, leave work, fight rush hour traffic again, and then come home.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Die a little inside each day.

In that sense I'm no different than 99% of the other Joe Schmoes out there. I have it no better and no worse than 99% of the rest of the workforce out there. But at times as I'm looking at the drab soul crushing surroundings of my cubicle and office and the machinery that is Corporate America, I can't help but wonder "Is this all there is? I mean really, is this it? Is this all I have to look forward to for the rest of my miserable life?"

And as I cry silent tears into my morning cup of coffee I have to kick myself in the ass and remind myself that my day job is just a means to an end. I have dreams. I have plans. I have goals. There's a reason I get up every morning to make my paltry just this side of slave wages.

It's all about the music, baby.

See, when I get home I take a shower, grab a quick bite to eat and then sit at my computer. And I do the business of OYOS Records. I do the business of making sure as many people are reminded over and over again that "Introducing... ME" is now available EVERYWHERE online. I answer e-mails. I accept friend requests. I do friend requests. I go to dance class. I nurture just budding relationships in the music business. I research. I ask questions. I demand. I beg and plead. I do whatever is necessary to make this CD a success. (I'll have a REALLY specific example in the next blog if the shit storm I'm currently dealing with is resolved.) But regardless, I'm working on my passion. I work my ass off each and every night on this project. I try to get a good night's sleep for the drudgery of the next day, but more and more sleep is going by the wayside as I work to get this CD off the ground.

And family, it's a full time (part time) job.

But I love it. I truly do. It's the one thing that keeps me going when another "day in the cubicle" is staring me dead in the face. If it weren't for music and my passion for it, I truly don't know what I would do. I'm sure I would either find a hobby or jump off a bridge.

And in that sense I'm no different than any other musician out there with a day job. We do what we do because we have to. We've gotta pay the bills until we are successful enough at the music thing to go to work one blissful day, drop trau, bend over, grab a heaping helping of asscheeks and scream at the top of our lungs, "KISS MY ASS!!!"

So to all the musicians out there slaving away at a day job until that fateful day arrives, I'm in your corner baby. Keep doing what you're doing and one day it's gonna pay off in HUGE dividends for you.

Until then, take it for what it is and do your own thing.



P.S. I would be remiss in this blog not to pimp myself so here goes: You can find me on i-tunes.com, napster.com, amazonmp3.com, and shockhound.com with rhapsody.com soon to follow. Find me by typing in my last name, "Dillard-Carroll" and there I will be in all my mud covered glory.

P.P.S. For those of you on facebook and myspace, I'm also there.

P.P.P.S. I however, will NEVER be on Twitter. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about being accessible to people, but Twitter takes accessibility it to a whole new level that quite frankly scares me just a little bit. I mean, do I really need to know you're taking a dump right now? Do you really need to know I'm masturbating like a fiend right now? Do ANY of us really need to know what the other person is doing every second of every day? To those of you on Twitter, God bless you. I however will pass.

Masturbating In The Corner Like A Fiend,

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